
The Authentic Naked Bride

“His disciples said: When will you be revealed to us and when will we see you?” Jesus said: “When you take off your clothing without being ashamed, and take your clothes, and put them under your feet, as the little children and tread on them, then, shall you behold the Son of the Living One and you shall not fear.” (The Gospel According to Thomas 87: 27-34)

In my dream last night, I and a woman who was someone I did not know in waking life, took our clothes off in front of each other. In the next scene, we were in separate rooms lying peacefully on beds with blankets covering us. 

I believe this woman and I represent the beautiful truth that when we bare our souls one to another (when we are naked and unashamed as little children), THEN we will have rest and be covered BY LOVE…. (blanket love.)

Hebrews 4: 13 states that “all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” This “Him” includes the “Christ” in us as us, and if we want truth, getting real with each other is paramount. The members of the body of Christ are to KNOW one another with NOTHING hidden!! 

Yesterday I had sweet fellowship with a beloved, “naked bride,” and while we were praying together, the Lord said that He was making “brocade.” Immediately I thought of Psalm 45: 13 which states that the gown of the King’s daughter “is embroidered with gold.” Brocade” isn’t used in this verse, but when we looked up “embroidered” in Strong’s Concordance, its meaning is “a brocade. (#4865) Wow! Merriam- Webster’s dictionary defines “brocade” as ”a rich silk fabric with raised patterns in gold and silver, or fabric with raised designs.”

Oh brethren, our faith has been gold tried in the fire (1 Peter 1: 7,) and we ourselves, have been refined as silver. Yay, God is making the material for our clothing as we walk in truth (in openness) and in love with each other, and when His work is finally finished, we shall be raised up as a pattern for all the world to see HIS glory. 


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