
Steady As She Goes

“Steady As She Goes” was like an old battleship that had weathered many storms on high and treacherous seas, battling  foes which were always defeated because of Who backed her. 

From the time she was a child she knew that One and called upon His name whenever she needed help. The angel Gabrielle had visited her when she was just five years old telling her: “You have a mission from “On High” called to be a mighty warrior maiden who overcomes “Self-rule.” It shall not be easy for you because your trials shall be many, but you shall be victorious in them all, trusting and depending upon the One you love to work through you and for you. Not many know the power of “dependency”… It is the most powerful force on earth and God has granted you the grace to be dependent solely upon Him. You shall be mighty, and fearless little one, because you shall know this One well, calling upon His name in every test you go through.”

“Steady” never forgot these words, nor the effect on her by the presence of the mighty angel. She was immediately put to the test when her mother died just six months later, but God, faithful to his Word, empowered her to endure through the time of her loss giving her an angel named “Marvelous Added Grace” to walk by her side. “Steady” was given eyes to visibly see this angel every time thereafter when the going got rough. It was because of his always encouraging her and her obeying him when he instructed: “Steady as you go!” that her name “Steady As She Goes” was fortified. Before she was given that wonderful name, she had been called  “Trepidation.”

You, who also, bear the name “Trepidation” not having had your name changed yet, know that you will be “Steady As She Goes” as well, when you become totally dependent upon God. You have heard that if you cast a coin into the water where the “Fountain of Life” issues its streams, your wishes will come true and you know that your wishes have NOT come true in doing so. However, there is a secret that can be gained from this myth: There is a coin-… a silver coin that not only can make wishes come true; It can change your body’s genes and when your genes are changed, all your wishes will be God’s wishes that will come true in perfect timing. It is not a coin to be cast into the water, but a spiritual coin to be searched for and found. As you listen to the story of “Steady As She Goes,” you too, shall be led into victory if you take heed to the message she has and is. Think now upon the “key” to the ultimate victory…even the coin with which you can buy the truth as you take in her story into the depth of your being.

First know that “Trepidation” is the name of every man, and deep down, he knows his weakness. Many show forth strength in themselves for a season, but God who created men, initiates a crisis at an appointed time in order that they may know that they do not have the power that they suppose they have and through that realization might seek after Him.

God gave a dream of this coin to “Steady As She Goes” showing her that she would first need to cross over the “Sea of Self-Deception.”…. the sea of hearing the Word and not obeying it. While she was an obedient one, she still had to be tempted by “the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life” before she could step out onto the solid ground called: “Completely Knowing One’s True Self”… even the “No Longer I But Christ” identity in its fullest,-…. While this identity was present all through her trials, it could not be fully expressed until the silver coin hidden in her innermost being was found.

When “Steady As She Goes” stepped onto the ground after crossing the sea, she was amazed that all the desires she previously had were no more, A staff, even the scepter of Judah miraculously sprang up from the ground and spoke to her saying: “I am yours! Take me! I will be to you like a divining rod… Having me in your hand will ensure that you discover the coin within.”

“How can that be?” “Steady As She Goes” thought to herself. Immediately the angel “Marvelous Added Grace” touched her mind and the still small voice within spoke: “Know that only through the scepter of Judah in your hand can the power of transfiguration be activated. This power will go all through your body and the great force of it will cause the coin to ascend from its hidden place to become visible… It is the knowing of the name and the face on that coin that will change EVERYTHING…. The great purchasing power to buy all the true riches in God’s kingdom will be yours, but more than this, seeing the face on the coin of redemption will cause the light to shine evermore.

THEN, there will be no need for tongues… no need for knowledge for LIGHT, LOVE and WONDER” will reign.”

Know now of a certainty that only those who have the name “Steady As She Goes” and who see the face of the silver coin of redemption will have the great hope come true… even the redemption of their bodies.

Will YOU be one of them?? The angels and all in heaven are cheering you on!

Categories: Allegories

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