
Riser Uppers

I thought I would make this post a “catch-up” writing in more ways than one, sharing some of the thoughts and messages our Lord has given me in the past few days. I love the expression: “Up, up and away!” and for believers, it’s to heavenly places in Christ Jesus we go. You might say that we are “lifter-uppers” on the rise every time a word of life is given to us. So here are the words I’ve received from our Lord accompanied by the prayer: “Oh Lord, don’t let them be full of hot air, but let them be breezes that refresh the soul. Amen.”

“Ishi Michael” came in my tongues this morning with a vision of myself having dust flying off me like as in a whirlwind. The scripture that came to mind was of Michael standing up for the people of God (Daniel 12: 1) which is a type and shadow of what is taking place WITHIN US. The kingdom of God is INSIDE us, is it not?…. and yes, it shall be outside too, but only after God does His work in us. Then, after our obedience is fulfilled, the world’s disobedience will be dealt with, not before. The name Michael means “he who is like God,” and when we rise up in the full measure of the stature of God, indeed, we shall be exactly like Him. Can you see he who is like God rising up in His first-fruit company now? Scripture teaches that the whole world is waiting for this, and the word “Ishi” that came with “Michael” shows that it takes place when we are in total union with our husband which “ Ishi” means.

In the vision, not one bit of dust remained on me, nor will it be on any of the overcomers. I sought to find just the right word to describe the whirlwind-type action I saw, and the word “flurry” came which has an etymology meaning: “snow squall.” Interesting eh? Our sins shall be white as snow (Isaiah 1: 18) and yes, it has already been done in the Spirit, but not until we work out the salvation of our souls, will we experience the fullness of it-….. not until all the dust is shaken off us. This is what precipitates the Devil no longer being able to touch and eat us making us a part of his doings.

I thought about what the key was in bringing us into the victory over the world, the flesh and the devil,…. into that state of being where there is no more dust, and I believe it’s when we desire to “know ONLY Jesus, and Him crucified.” (1 Cor. 2: 2) It is then men will look at us and see “Ishi-Michael.” Yay, it is then that they will see the Lord. In my fifty-four years of walking with Jesus, I have always desired to know our Lord, but I can not say I have desired to know ONLY Him and Him crucified. I have had other wants (like having my own way,) and knowing Him resurrected was more what I wanted than Him crucified. Filling up in my flesh what is still lacking in the afflictions of Christ was for His body’s sake,”(Colossians 1: 24) was a word I read with no comprehension that it was to be “desired” fulfilling the Lord’s commandment to love one another as He loved and loves us.

Two mornings ago, I woke up hearing the Lord say: “My hand is upon you to do good,” and I thought of the scripture: “Render good for evil.” (1Peter 3: 9) Ah brethren, how many times have we gone the extra mile? We thought we were doing good to go just one mile, eh?…. and yes, we were, but our real joy and the greatest joy we can give to the Lord is going the extra one…. Yay, that’s knowing Jesus and Him crucified, and it’s taken me a lifetime to not only glory in the negative happenings in my life, but to take pleasure in them.

Now I am looking at my watch and hearing the words: “Shepherd’s watch.” Then “daystars rising” came. Ah, good shepherds watch and diligently take good care of the sheep, eh? THIS DAY is the time of our being good shepherds going low, laying down our lives and hallelujah! It’s the time of rising up, too! So come on all you riser uppers:

“Reach for the stars and become them!”

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