
Glitters Can Be Trouble

I am certain that even the tiniest details in our lives have revelations in them that can blow our minds. I use the expression “blow our minds” because the word given to me today has stirred up a bunch of dust particles in mine like a whirlwind. Thankfully we have a God Who knows how to settle the dust!

I had a little check in my spirit as I eyed the case named “Stardust” in making a selection for the new iPhone I had purchased. I didn’t want to go through the trouble of putting the screen saver and case together on the phone, so when the Verizon salesman offered to do it for me, my decision didn’t gather dust. The sparkles on the cover were the drawing factor and the fact that the sale price was 1/2 off was seemingly a “no-brainer” for me. Yep! It was a no brainer alright- …. a missing Christ-mind! My ears were deaf to the warning of the still small voice inside and so off (way off) my carnal mind and I went thinking my “Stardust” case would do just fine. Hah!

I never had trouble with the previous iPhones I owned, but this phone would sometimes silence conversations by blocking out the voices with the connection still intact. However, if I held the phone in a different position or moved to another place in the room, communication could be restored. I was perplexed about the cause of the problem until my son surmised that the sparkles were interfering with the receptivity. After putting up with the frustration for longer than I should have, I ordered a clear, glitter-free case that arrived yesterday.

I thought there’d be no more “to do” about it, so imagine my shock when I heard the word “stardust” just now as I sat down to write this post. That’s the way it is most times I write…. I have no idea of where my writing is going to take me. It’s like my head has to go into outer space (“write” out yonder) to get my inspiration, One of my email’s servers is “rocketmail.com” and it’s another detail that speaks symbolically of how the Holy Spirit loves to take us “far out” into the unknown to reveal “out of sight” wonders to our inner man. We didn’t know that we had an astronaut’s calling, did we?

So come with me now to a planet called “Enoch’s Secret Place” to learn how to get the victory over the reasoning mind called “death.” The first man that we are (the “earth” man) is made of the dust of the earth, eh? And what is it that the Devil eats?: It’s DUST…. It’s US! But until we grow into the full measure of the stature of Christ, it seems that the second man, even the heavenly man, has a component of dust to deal with too. But hallelujah: That dust will be completely blown away when the daystar ARISES in our hearts. Truly, the day star has been there in us all along, but it’s dust that has prevented the fullness of light coming forth. When the heart completely turns to the Lord, we’re gonna’ leave the devil in that dust behind.

So I asked the Lord what specifically has hindered the daystar from arising in my own life, and the key was in the revelation of what the sparkles represent. Communication leads to wisdom, understanding and knowledge, eh? So when it’s blocked or when sparks in relationships fly, we live in “outer darkness,” and oh how ALL of us have “darkness of understanding” to overcome. It’s the truth that sets us free, and without it, we’re in bondage.

The remedy comes when we speak ONLY God’s words, but tell me: Who do you know that has stopped speaking his or her own words? Most of us are full of ourselves, and consequently we’re full of our own words. We are so sure that what we believe is right, we not only block out what people are saying (like my iPhone acting up did,) we interrupt their conversations with the fear of the Lord going, going and then gone.

There’s another hindrance that blocks our rising up in Christ and it’s a big one. It seems that most of us have to be reminded many times that “all that glitters is not gold.” We know we are to ask for wisdom in making ALL our decisions,…. especially when something looks good and so right, but how many of us do? If we did, we’d have eyes sparking with Jesus shining through them and the devil wouldn’t have a case against us at all.

I’m thanking God that I have a clear case now, and it’s not just the one for my iPhone. My “Advocate,” who is yours too, has made our case, and it’s clear that the devil’s end is to be left in the dust seeing stars,…. even us rising up to fulfill our destinies. Oh brethren, our eyes won’t have stardust in them then! They’ll be twinkling with light and glory, and we’ll be shouting: “Christ is risen in us: The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord.”


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6 replies »

  1. “…The first man that we are (the “earth” man) is made of the dust of the earth, eh? And what is it that the Devil eats?: It’s DUST…. It’s US!…”

    “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”
    1Peter 56:8

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  2. Amen! Hallelujah and Glory to the King….Excellent post! I’m going to reblog this sister Michele so God bless you for putting it out there….Many, many blessings to you my beloved sister….Robin

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    • I thank God for you and your encouragement dear Robin. I picture you stroking my hair and think of the expression “different strokes for different folks”….. How we all need the kind you give on our journey that has many tears! God bless you precious sister.
      P.S.: I just uttered a little prayer for you and heard the words “bar none.” Oh that everyone had a “Barnabas-heart”…. without exception, that’s what God wants His people to have.

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      • Ahhhhh that’s so sweet of you sister Michele I truly appreciate that and thank you for the prayer as I continue in my journey. And thank you for the encouraging words, I’m very grateful for a Barnabas heart. Many, many blessings to you beloved sister…Robin

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